Friday, April 4, 2008

Losing my mind!

This whole moving thing is INSANE!!!! We have 90% of our stuff packed, and we're moving TOMORROW!! I will be taking a short break from the packing, by going to Fuel. (Tonight is our Open House, so bring a friend!) Rex isn't feeling well, so he's going to stay home and try to get some packing done. He said he's probably going to have to take a lot of breaks, because he doesn't have a lot of energy. Hopefully, he doesn't overwork himself! After Fuel, I have to come home and help Rex finish packing whatever is left over! yay.........I'll probably be up late, trying to finish everything. The fun part is, everybody that is helping us move will start showing up by 9:30 a.m! So I probably won't get much sleep! Again.........yay.......of course, none of this would have happened, if we had actually started packing things a month ago. Oh well, this is what you get went you put everything off until the last minute.........Procrastinators of the world unite (not really, because we'll never get around to having a meeting)!

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