Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

To all of you young adults: Hope you guys and gals have a great day and evening. It's Valentine's Day, and whether or not you are part of a couple, go out and have a good time. If you're single, go out with your friends or do something by yourself. Don't let the fact that you're single get you down. Enjoy it! Be yourself! Have a good time! Be young and exciting! If you're dating, keep it fun and simple. If you're engaged, try a nice dinner at a restaurant and maybe a romantic movie. If you're married, how about a romantic dinner at home, a rented movie, and snuggling on the couch?
Wherever you are on your journey of love, be careful, and always make the right choices. Be honest with yourself (and your partner, if you have one). Don't try to be something you're not. Don't let anyone compromise you into something you don't want to do. Be upfront, and don't be afraid to set up boundaries. You have a right to say no to whatever someone asks you to do. God Bless you on your endeavors!

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